Friends of NRA Banquet
The Upper Valley Chapter of the FNRA’s fundraising banquet planning committee is comprised entirely of EOC Members. Funds raised through this and other Friends of NRA events, together with other funds raised by The NRA Foundation, provide resources to fund grants at the national, state and local level. The NRA Foundation awards grants to fund
activities and programs that promote firearms and hunting safety, enhance marksmanship skills of those in the shooting sports, and educate the public about firearms in their historic, technological and artistic context.
Half of all net proceeds raised stay right here in NH. Each year, the Friends of NRA State Fund Committee makes grant recommendations for the NRA Foundation Board of Trustee’s approval to fund programs and projects at the state and local level. EOC has been very fortunate to receive grants for the past several years. EOC has been very fortunate to receive grants for the past several years. These grants have allowed us to purchase sports equipment for our programs, classroom furnishings, etc. The banquet is held on the second Saturday in September each year.
If you are interested in attending or helping, please contact Kevin or Peg Howard at or 603-523-7677