Who We Are
The Granite State Sharp Shooters is a three-position rifle team that focuses on the prone, off hand, and kneeling disciplines. The team shoots .22 caliber rifles with Olympic style sites. Our team consists of boys and girls, ranging from 12-18 years old. We are engaged in the Winchester program, focusing on marksmanship skills and advancements.
The team competes with other teams in N.H. and VT. Training consists of firearm safety, positional foundations, natural point of aim, and accuracy. We practice the 1st and 3rd Sunday of each month at the Enfield Outing Club Range.
About Our Program
The Winchester/NRA Marksmanship Qualification Program is a skill development program that has been the flagship of the NRA’s training development programs since 1903. Our instructors use the year-round qualification-shooting program that provides incentive awards for developing and improving marksmanship skills for shooters of all ages. Progression is self-paced and scores are challenging but attainable! Performance is measured against established par scores; any shooter who meets or exceeds those scores is entitled to the corresponding recognition awards for that rating. Based on the honor system, shooters acquire the large discipline patch at the onset of the program and, as each rating is earned, they are entitled to all of the corresponding awards for that rating. Each rating level has a skill rocker, medal, pin, and certificate award that recognizes and highlights the achievement. The courses of fire in the qualification program are designed to take shooters from beginning skill levels (ProMarksman and Marksman) through intermediate levels (Marksman 1st Class, Sharpshooter, and Expert) up to the nationally recognized skill level and pinnacle of the program, Distinguished Expert. By the time a shooter completes the Distinguished Expert rating in rifle, pistol, and shotgun, he/she has attained a proficiency level paralleling that of a competitively classified Sharpshooter.
How We Are Funded
There is no charge to the participant. Funding comes from donations from private sources, grants from programs such as the Friends of NRA, and various fundraising efforts.
The Enfield Outing Club, Inc. is an exempt organization as described in Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Your contribution is tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.
How To Participate
If you are interested in obtaining more information or finding out about the application process, please feel free to contact us.
Program Director, granitestatesharpshootersteam@gmail.com
Peg Howard, EOC Secretary, kblkbrd1@att.net Tel: 603- 523- 7677
Enfield Outing Club, www.eocnh.com